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The awakening of Africa is a topical process, with the various Coups d'Etat which have been perpetuated in the countries of West Africa and which have as a common denominator the seizure of power by the military , often without bloodshed and in a strong anti-French socio-political climate. It is a climate that denotes defiance against the colonialist and imperialist forces that have plundered and continue to plunder Africa. The awakening of Africa has become a palpable reality everywhere. The armies rebel against the civil powers vassalized by the occupier and ready to sacrifice the interests of the peoples on the hotel of pecuniary rents via the CFA Franc or mineral funds constituted for their sole devolution. They no longer want to remain on the sidelines of daily turpitude and the miserable and animalistic living conditions in which the peoples of Africa vegetate. They have resolved to put intelligence and enthusiasm, for the well-being of their people and let it be known in a loud and intelligible voice to the occupying forces.
These powers of occupation, formerly promoted by local puppets, in reality only benefit a tiny layer of the population and a few handpicked clutches, often following an unspeakable clan standardization. The rest of the people then collapse under the weight of abject poverty and often have no alternative but to suffer without a word, the hydra of poverty. To this precariousness of peoples is most often added an unspeakable corruption of state structures, which therefore continue to puncture a people already bloodless due to repeated economic crises and destitution linked to underdevelopment.
The combination of these parameters causes the majority of populations to live in subhuman conditions, even though they are deprived of the possibility of using all or part of the natural resources from their land to try to reduce the burdens correlated to their precarious conditions. , following their political and economic subjugation.
Such a situation has gone on for too long. People everywhere are claiming rights. In the countries of West Africa, they are supported by republican armies, responsible armies proud to write the history of their country, not in letters of blood, but in a fusional Army-Nation relationship, to the effective taking into account of the interests of the peoples. This taking into account requires a real dedication to the people and a permanent tension for its development. This is what Assimi Goïta in Mali, Ibrahim Traoré in Burkina Faso and more recently Abdourhamane Tiani in Niger are trying to implement.
All these leaders have in common, their desire to get out of the grips of the colonial and neocolonial ogre and the affirmation, of the perpetuation of the work of liberation dear to the African peoples, started by the Founding Fathers of the OAU and continued by Thomas Sankara.
For our part, we believe that African intellectuals, wherever they come from, must assume their destiny and their leadership, by supporting this cycle of history that is being written before our eyes. . We think it is time for everyone to get involved in the long term, so that together we can set up a site essentially devoted to the expressiveness of pan-Africanism in all its glory and above all in a pure form, stripped of sub- heard, or misunderstandings. A constructive pan-Africanism, which will finally free Africa from the rags resulting from internal conflicts, from useless hatreds between citizens and between States, which often pervert Afro-African relations. The latter have for too long focused on a single model, that of the West.
We propose to set up this information site which must be an unparalleled reference in terms of Afro-optimism, in order to accompany the new political and socio-cultural liberation movements which are at work in this area. moment in the heart of the peoples of the Black Continent.
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