Sunday, March 3, 2024, 5th day of Foraly 2024, marked the literary escapade in memory of the illustrious Cameroonian writer, MONGO BÉTI, in Akometam, his native village, lived between libation and address to this great soul of African literary pantheon.
The 5th edition of Foraly in Nyong and So’o concluded with a note of literary eco-tourism. The organizing committee gave the opportunity to all its participants, especially participants from foreign countries, to visit the Ekombitié villages and Akometam (native village of the writer Mongo Béti). The people of Foral went to discover the deep Nyong and So’o and salute the memory of this monument of African literature. First stopover, Ékombitié chiefdom where the delegation is welcomed by Her Majesty NdiOkalla Marie Madelaine, brave woman of the OkallaAhanda family, in an imperial atmosphere which, concomitantly, let rise a song of happy birthday wishes to the celebrated and celebrant of the day . A word of welcome from His Majesty was delivered to the Foraly delegation.

A guided tour of the chiefdom was taken. The visit to the court and the museum where the remains were presented to the entire delegation, including an ancient tom-tom more than 80 years old belonging to Her Majesty's father. The diocesan bishop of Mbalmayo, son of the chiefdom, also shone with his presence. The rest took place through discussions with the AMBARA matriarch Thérèse Epse OKALLA (aged 96), around a meal blessed by the bishop. A well-set table, with traditional flavors (mboam kpem, palm wine, exotic wine, etc.). A dignified reception, worthy of a foreign delegation, honoring Foraly. Rich moments, in the presence of many children from the chiefdom, who showed a lot of love to the Foraly team. An overall warm welcome testifying to the hospitality of the people from the Fang Béti cultural area, qualified leaders.

The fifteenth milestone of the day will take the delegation to the village Akomètretam, a few kilometers from Ékombitié. For a visit to the tomb of the famous writer Mongo Béti. The welcome was also warm from the writer's family. Papa Yacob will serve as guide and speaker for the occasion after briefly narrating the life of Mongo Béti, highlighting the etymology, reasons and motives of the pseudonym Mongo Béti, which had led Alexandre BIWIDI AWALA to maintain it in the name of the African literature. The floor will be given to the delegation for a bit of reading, testimonies about the person, libation and addresses to this great literary spirit. A short ceremony which was closed with a message from the deputy president of Foraly, Ondoa Kalara.

The escapade to Akomètretam marked an extension following the closing ceremony held on Saturday, March 2, 2024 at the esplanade of the departmental delegation of Nyong and So'o in the presence of the prison authorities who represented the competitors, winners of the main prison of Mbalmayo, foreign delegations and participants, punctuated by the awarding of prizes for the various competitions in act 5 of Foraly. Café Kalara LS dictation competition in French and English in the primary and secondary categories, the reading aloud prizes in the adult category, won by an inmate of the Mbalmayo penitentiary, the prize for the best enunciation of the family tree in the The Fang Béti cultural area, in the Ewondo language, won by an inmate of the main prison of Mbalmayo, prize for the best statement of the family tree in the Duala language, Sawa community, by a prisoner. Pleasant moments, full of emotions and joys. Most of the students received their prizes and the opportunity was given to each winner to speak and give their feelings about this great sharing.
The young Cameroonian artist Alexandra SEPPO, godmother of the competition for the best statement of the family tree in the Duala language, was present accompanied by her management team (Maxim TIWO and Pearl LOUMA). She congratulated the winner of the Duala language and all the students who were present for the dictation competition, inviting them to take their studies seriously and speak more of their ancestral languages commonly called mother tongues. Minsili Zanga Mbarga, a cultural engineer established in France, spoke in the Ewondo language to demonstrate the importance of her language in a world of giving and receiving. NGONA ONANA Albert, winner of the Family Tree competition in Fang Beti. He will have achieved the feat of listing his paternal and maternal descendants up to the 4th generation. The winner of the Duala language will manage to push the envelope, up to the 6th generation, of his paternal descendants.

The sequence of awarding the prizes to the various winners was mainly the highlight of the closing ceremony. We also note the FORALY PRIZE for diligent participation won by Ulrich Ettien, Ivorian writer, among others head of the Ivorian delegation who unfortunately could not make the trip for professional reasons. For this mathematics teacher, it was his 3rd consecutive time in Cameroon as part of Foraly. Black Yaye Fall, head of the Senegalese delegation won BAGLA PRIZE - Wolof, best statement of his family tree up to the 7th generation, listing his paternal and maternal ancestors. Reading aloud was won by ONDOUA Gaël from Mbalmayo main prison. For the dictation competition, MBIAKOLO Jérôme took first place with a score of 17/20; followed by MAMA Romaric in second position with a score of 15/20 and MBATSOGO ESSAMA in third position for 14/20.
Honorary diplomas were awarded to all foreign participants, to journalists who took an active part in relaying the information from Foraly and to local participants. Dr Attie Djouid Djar-Alnabi from Chad, AkossiChristelle from Ivory Coast, Emmanuel Mabondo from DRC, Alvie Mouzita and Raitel Yengo from Congo Brazzaville, Minsili Zanga Mbarga from France, were honored.
All's well that ends well, see you at the 6th edition of Foraly with the guest country of honor, Chad.
Bertin BIDJA